Handsome young roan mustang colt in SE Oregon's high desert with the last remnant light of the setting sun illuminating the wild of our west.br/ br/ Pure and wild, just like the range wild horses run on. We were trying to beat the sun to clamor our way to the mustangs on top of a hill overlooking the other side and when I got this wild boy, the sun was halfway set. The young roan discovered me as I made my up the hill toward them - pranced off to his mother and double-backed to get a better look at this alien creature with three legs and a clicking contraption in her paws.br/ At this point the sun was halfway set, illuminating him and the high desert lands in the background.br/ br/ Follow my mustang adventures on my fb page a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mustangmeg.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1FS6VXQfIRMLe0QGVF3VpaR-TgQpK3M3UXaYPfkSbcvrrucr3QXBNN9R0amp;h=AT1Ya4m788hqh0ZxuULufCexPvZk0xABHk3Vn-DizuRukmaYUMWcwZ68lZYtafi9rElvX-Ab7fiO-C9wQVpFBmClZhZw4KKwVNcBZaUEWV3eVEPhW5EFioi-n0LBrJORj5XO4snPFW1hiM5tt8Yyamp;__tn__=-UK*Famp;c[0]=AT2OG6UZe3FE24iDILHZiKQLQkBZ2RjR669wMhsGwmqIxJrGTfMB-Fc_McsGyCdXYaaFFulRPWhDewnTJsmfYVJusWQNflWmxOFEFImHg2LTReFWXGYuQ5S6Cy9jDvoQhjLrm19WpTLAXgDzk79Zac3roXmqYFqi4Q" target="_blank"www.mustangmeg.com/abr/ The September journal amp; album in progress: a href="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10156534558138956amp;type=1amp;l=9b539660faamp;__cft__[0]=AZXDaWDg8uQBEtjc-dD1tYxQI4wroTxb5iMGRlQbt85Zw1W9soGhxYXMhoj3NV7r0PVsqurh3efVD9L84GfFrwbbKgGdACjoWrKFD-QmjErPmU6W2MFh31LCG1n19eWgS7nscFQ6f0GG3ptlUapdOh8Eamp;__tn__=-UK*F" target="_blank"https://www.facebook.com/media/set/.../abr/ br/ September 2018br/ SE Oregon/Stinkingwater HMAbr/ Fb:
http://www.mustangmeg.com br/ My youtube channel- Follow me there to get notified of new videos: a href="
http://www.mustangjourney.com/?fbclid=IwAR2YKM2ix8Qm924E_xIgZKVDWVJh5lzPdBOQNK_UJbgfr5ouH4D4xxHI7LU" target="_blank"www.mustangjourney.com/a